ellen cake : This is edible cake and not a photo

It was our son Kicha's birthday, he is also known as Little Chef Kicha. He become popular when one of his video was bought by Facebook for $2000 then he become the youngest to sell a video to facebook. He owns his own youtube channel KichatubeHd in which he upload cooking videos every week. Knowing the story Ellen show contacted him and he was the youngest Indian to be part of Ellen Degeneres show were he make puttu traditional Kerala breakfast.

As he become popular because of Ellen Show his mom Ruby decided to make a ellen show theme cake for his birthday...... What you seeing below is not a photo its a cake made out of fresh cream, fondant & edible print.

+EllenShow +EllenDegeneresShow +ellendegeneresshow +KichaTube HD - Nihal Raj @cake #ellencake
